Wednesday, August 12, 2009

-Church Blog Part 1: Stay Home-

OK I admit it, sometimes church bores me to no end. Sometimes I'll go to a service somewhere and 15 minutes into the service I've checked out mentally and am thinking about what I'm going to order for lunch. And why is it that the most boring churches have the longest services? What is it about the mundane that it somehow always breads an over-consumption of time? We have lives outside of church man! Let us go! I mean, if you can't make your point in 20-25 minutes you're certainly not going to be able to make it 45 minutes. Besides, I've heard all this before. Teach me something I DON'T know, don't just tell me the things I already believe. And another thing... wait I'm getting off topic. I'll cover boring sermons and having a life outside of church in the weeks to come. For now I'll just stick to "checking out" while at church. Because even when church bores me to tears, I never go in with anything but a sincere hope and desire for God to speak to me and invade my life.

I cannot tell you how often I look around in a church and see people who have tuned everything out. They are there physically, but have no real desire to get anything out of church. They're like mannequins in the seats showing you what it "looks like" to be in church but are rigid and unmovable. Please know that I am not talking about MY church. I'm talking about every church I've ever been to, seen or heard of and all the ones I haven't heard of either. This is a serious issue. We have developed routine Christianity in our lives rather than living out real faith. Because truly following Jesus should be anything but routine.

But there they are week after week filling our pews and chairs and occupying a space that may otherwise go to someone who is thirsting for interaction with their Creator and Savior. We do that sometimes as Christians don't we? We get in the way of someones opportunity to have a real encounter with the living God. Maybe we don't mean to. But sometimes, our mere presence is like a fence that keeps out the Holy Spirit. I hate this because we're the ones who are supposed to be the example to show others the joy and fulfillment that comes with interacting with a very real God in a very real way. But what message do we send when we're just sitting there in the seat mindlessly staring at the stage daydreaming about other things? What message do send when church is simply routine instead of real? What message do we send when church is an item on out "To-Do List" rather that one on our "To-Be List."

Sadly, this syndrome seems to be most prevalent in Christians who have been Christians for a while. It seems the longer you're a Christian, the more infected by routine you get. I am absolutely petrified by the idea that this will happen to me. What is even more frightening is that in many ways, it already has. But I still have yet to go to church just to check off my "to-do list." I still have yet to sit in a service without anticipating and longing for a real, powerful, life changing encounter with God. I still hunger and thirst to hear His voice. Do you? When in church do you long for a life changing experience? Do you pray that you would somehow, in some way be different when you walk out the door than you were when you walk in? Because if that's not the attitude you carry into church with you, maybe you should just stay home.

I know that many people wont like that idea. I know that many people think you should always be in church and for the most part I agree. But in this case, I simply don't. I think that if you aren't interested in a real interaction with God when you go; if all you're going to do is sit there with a mind-numbed expression on your face instead of seeking God; then you're just getting in God's way. I know that there are people who will suggest that, "At least if they're in church God may get their attention," but I don't agree. First off, if they don't want God to get there attention then going to church isn't going to make it happen and secondly, God doesn't need them to come and sit in a specific building on a specific day of the week, at a specific time of the day to get there attention. He can do it whenever and where ever He wants.

So please, when you sit in service, seek God. Seek life-change. Seek His voice. If it's time to sing and worship, then sing and worship. Cry out to God as His church with a single unified voice that you are there for Him. To hear from Him what He wants to do in your life. Consider the words and message behind the lyrics to the songs. Let them our out of your heart and soul instead of just reciting them from memory. When it's time for the speaker to teach/preach, listen attentively as if you were hearing the words of God Himself because in many ways, you are. Don't just fill in the blanks and then throw our bulletin away. Consider what God is saying to YOU through the message that day. Encounter God. If you're not interested in that, just say home. Maybe someone who is thirsty for God will use your seat that day.

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