Wednesday, April 22, 2009

-Love In A Bag-

Later this morning five other people and I will be leaving to attend a conference. We live in Fresno, CA and the conference is in Orange County, CA which gives is a four hour drive to get there. I usually am not a big fan of long drives. Something about being stuck in car just bothers me. Oddly, I also hate stopping when I'm on a long drive. I hate being stuck in the car but I also hate getting out until I've arrived at my destination. I'm such a hypocrite. But this morning when I came into the office, (where we'll be leaving from later), I was given several bags of snacks and drinks to help us through the long drive ahead.

Judy, (my Pastor's wife), was the one who made sure to provided us with the "road grub" for no reason than that she wanted to do something small to help us have a good trip. It was like getting love in a bag. Maybe you have a person or two in your life who are like Judy. People who somehow always manage to find small ways to make your day smoother, your burden easier and your life better. Whether it's a quick encouraging text, (something my wife has a PhD in), or a cold drink hand delivered, it just seems to make us smile even for just a second. This is what Mother Theresa meant when she said, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." It's funny; the little things always seem to make us feel more loved than the big things do.

Jesus knew this too. Sure He did some big things for people. Huge really. But it was always the little things that had such a great impact on individuals. Zacheus whole life was restored and changed because Jesus simply had a meal with him. The woman at the well was given new life because the humble Jewish rabbi simply sat and talked to her over a drink of water. These small, simple and seemingly insignificant acts meant the world to these people and their lives were revolutionized because of it. It makes me wonder how many people I know who's life could improve if someone, (like me), would just sit down and have a meal with them.

It's strange really. How important the little things are. How impactful they are. A bag of snacks and a six-pack of Dr Pepper has me sitting here pondering what little things I can do for others too. Join me won't you? Lets make people's days just a little bit better one small act done with great love at a time. Lets send those texts. Lets deliver those cold drinks. Lets do someone else's chores. Lets pick a flower or two. Lets bake some cookies Lets share a meal. Lets do the little things. Because the little things always seem to make us feel more loved than the big things.

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